What is Ultrasound? Ultrasound is a diagnostic scanning technique that uses high frequency sound waves that are transmitted through the body. The sound waves are reflected back from the body's organs and bones. The difference in the strength and delay of the signal returning gives the information in a variety of shades of black, white and grey. These images are displayed onto a monitor and interpreted by an expert in ultrasound.

Is it safe?
Ultrasound scanning is perfectly safe. It uses sound waves, not radiation. A major advantage of ultrasound is that the images appear in 'real time' so the movement of muscles, tendons, organs and blood flow can all be visualised.

Can I eat and drink before a scan?
For ultrasound examinations in the abdominal area you will be asked not to eat or drink for 6 hours before the scan. This is to allow for the best images possible to be produced. For examinations in the pelvic area you will need to have a full bladder as this acts like a 'window' allowing clear images of the pelvis.

Will it be painful?
A special gel is placed on your skin to allow the scanner to glide across it keeping in contact at all times. This gel is not harmful and can be wiped off as soon as the scan is finished. We will get you to change into a gown to stop any gel from getting onto your clothes. The ultrasound scan will not be painful but may be slightly uncomfortable for pelvic scans as the ultrasound probe is pressed against your full bladder.

Who does the scan?
An expert will carry out the ultrasound scan. This will either be a Consultant Radiologist, a Consultant Specialist in foetal medicine (for obstetric scans) or a highly qualified specialist sonographer.

When do I get the Results?
The Sonologist (specialist doctor) will write a report, detailing the findings from the scan. A hard copy of the scan will also be available at the front desk.

Any other question?
If you have any other questions, worries or doubts do not hesitate to ask one of our staff. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible.

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